Adenium Bonsai Plant With Self Watering Pot

1,299.00 Original price was: ₹1,299.00.549.00Current price is: ₹549.00.

Adenium Bonsai Plant

  • About The Adenium Bonsai Plant : Adenium Bonsai, also called as Japanese Frangipani and Desert Rose, is a small succulent tree
    native to Africa and Arabia which has fleshy leaves and develops a bulbous base. It produces large pink and
    white or red flowers when it gets enough sunlight.
  • Placing Of Adenium Bonsai Plant  : Adenium Bonsai plant thrives in a full sun environment. Select a spot in your garden that is not
    shaded by taller plants but has some protection from high-noon sun, which can scorch the plant's leaves.
  • Benefits of Adenium Bonsai Plant : Adenium Bonsai will add colours inside a house and would be perfect to add to your living space. The
    fact that Adeniums are flowering trees, makes them all the more popular choice for bonsai.
  • Watering Schedule: Adenium Bonsai is a succulent plant, indicating it doesn't need a lot of water. Usually, it
    needs to watered only every 7 to 10 days – it is important to let the soil dry out a bit in between watering.
  • Plant height without the pot is 7-10 inches; Pot Specification – 5 inches Fibre Pot; Quantity – 1.
  • Pot is self- watering where excess water gets stored in the reservoir below, the roots then absorb water via
    capillary action and the plants get water as and when required, allowing you to water less frequently. Making it
    perfect plant for office desk.
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Adenium Bonsai Plant – Desert Rose plant

Adenium Bonsai Self Watering 13 11zon

Light & Temperature

Adenium Bonsai Plant is native to tropical regions. In such a climate, Adenium bonsai can be kept outdoors throughout the year. When cultivated in cooler climate conditions, plant can be kept outdoors between the onsets of spring and fall seasons, and indoors during the winter. Adenium thrives well in sunny settings, with a lot of bright light and moderate shade. When grown indoors, it requires sufficient light and, preferably, south-facing windowsill location. To keep the plant safe, it should be never exposed to temperatures below 5 degrees Celsius.

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Adenium Bonsai Plant also requires regular watering. The plant should soak for approximately 30 minutes, and then be given a period of 7 to 10 days to dry, before being watered again. If the plant is placed outdoors, especially during the hot summer months, the soil should be checked regularly. If it is totally dry, the plant should be watered slowly but sufficiently. In winter, if the plant enters its dormant period, watering should be reduced.

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Soil & Fertilization

Adenium Bonsai Plant requires special bonsai soil, made of sand and clay particles, and mixed with organic matter. Such a medium is well-draining, and provides the plant with all the necessary nutrients. For an added dose of nutrients (and potentially more flowers), you can feed your desert rose with liquid fertilizer (diluted by half) once a month during its active growth period. Do not fertilize the plant during its dormant period.

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Repotting Adenium Bonsai Plant


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Ancient Meaning & Symbolism

Plant Care Tips

  1. Pruning: Before pruning, use rubbing alcohol or a bleach solution to sterilize your pruning tools; re-sterilize as you move from one plant to the next. Remove cold-damaged growth as soon as new growth emerges. Trim long, lanky stems to balance the stem growth symmetrically. Remove branches that rub or cross other branches, cutting just above a leaf node or where the stem joins with another stem.
  2. Scale and mealybugs will happily take up residence on the plant, if given the opportunity. A thorough wipe-down of leaves with a dish soap and water solution or insecticidal soap can be effective at stopping them, though repeated applications may be necessary.
  3. Yellowed or wilting leaves: A common sign of root rot is yellowing leaves or sudden leaf loss. A fungus causes root rot. You will need to remove damaged leaves and stems and unpot the root ball. If you notice any blackened, mushy roots, cut away the damaged roots with a sharp knife. Between cuts, sterilize the knife. Apply a fungicide, according to the package instructions. Replant the remaining roots in a well-draining potting mix.
  4. Visible spots on leaves: Powdery mildew leaves blister-like marks on the upper leaf surfaces can lead to distorted growth and a white powdery-looking substance on leaves, stems, and buds. Mist the plant leaves and apply a fungicide, according to the instructions on the package. Prune when stems and branches bunch up. Adequate spacing between plants reduces the risk of powdery mildew.
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Self watering pot

Our Favourable Aspects

  1. Self-Watering Pot: Excess water gets stored in the reservoir below, the roots then absorb water via capillary action and the plants get water as and when required. It allows you to water less frequently making the plant easy to care for.
  2. Potting Mixture: It’s a mixture of appropriate amounts of soil, cocopeat & organic vermicompost. Provides best environment to the plant’s roots. It also contains slow-release Fertilizer which gives nutrients to the plants every time it is watered for 6 months.
  3. Packaging: Plant is secured in a good quality cardboard packaging. Inner Box holds the potted plant in place so that any movement during transit does not affect the plant. Outer box has slits which allow the plant to breathe freely during transit.
Weight 0.45 kg
Dimensions 19 × 10 × 10 cm


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