Plant A Leaf


Subscription Boxes

premium quality plant subscription boxes

Gardening is a journey and our subscription boxes are designed to support you through every step you take on this path. The boxes are curated for novice and seasoned gardeners alike with carefully selected plants that thrive in a wide range of conditions and spread the joy of gardening.

How it works


Select the plant subscription model that suits your needs.


Pay once and get plants every month (for 3 months).


Receive your surprise plant bundle start of the month and refer to the care card.


Enjoy your happy surprises and build your own jungle.

Why Plant Subscription?


Dip your Toes

For the gardening sceptics
What You’ll Get

Three Small Low-Maintenance plants every month for three months = 9 Plants


Swim in the Green

For the plant lovers who are looking to expand their collections

Three small plants and two medium sized plants every month for three months = 15 Plants

Dive Deep

For the plant obsessed
What You’ll Get

Three small plants, two medium sized plants and one large plant every month for three months = 18 plants