Peace Lily Indoor Live Pants
How to Grow and Care for Peace Lily Plants :-Peace lilies (Spathiphyllum), also known as closet plants, are a popular choice for offices and homes. When it comes to indoor plants, peace lily plants are some of the easiest to care for. However, while peace lily plant care is easy, proper growing conditions are still important. Let’s take a look at the care of peace lilies.

How to Grow & Care For Peace Lily
What’s not to love about Peace lily Indoor Live Paknt, an easy-to-grow indoor plant that brings life and color to low-light spots while also purifying the air. Follow our advice for growing and maintaining peace lily and it’ll soon become your go-to gift plant for friends and family, too.
One of the most common mistakes in the care of peace lilies is overwatering. Peace lilies are far more tolerant of underwatering than overwatering, which is one of the most common reasons for a peace lily to die. It is because of this, you should never water peace lily plants on a schedule. Rather, you should check them once a week to see if they need to be watered. Simply touch the top of the soil to see if it is dry. If it is, water your peace lily. If the soil is still damp, the plant does not need to be watered. Some people will go so far as to wait until their peace lily is starting to droop before watering their plant. As these plants are very drought tolerant, this method does not harm the plant and will prevent overwatering. Peace lilies do not need frequent fertilizing. Fertilizing with a balanced fertilizer one to two times per year will be enough to keep the plant happy. Peace lilies also benefit from repotting or dividing when they outgrow their containers. Signs that a peace lily plant has outgrown its container include drooping less than a week after being watered and crowded, deformed leaf growth. If you are repotting, move the plant into a pot that is at least 2 inches (5 cm.) larger than its current pot. If you are dividing, use a sharp knife to cut through the center of the rootball and replant each half in its own container.
Growing Peace Lily as Houseplants

Peace lilies make excellent houseplants for the home or office. These lovely plants not only brighten up a living space, but are also excellent at cleaning the air of the room they are in. Most commonly, these plants have dark green leaves and white “flowers.” What most people think of as the flower is actually a specialized leaf bract that grows hooded over the flowers.
Common Problems
Peace lily caretakers typically encounter few problems, but potential ones on the list include small pests like spider mites and aphids as well as yellowing or browning leaves. For pests, wipe leaves clean and then spray with an insecticidal soap. If leaves are yellow, it may signal the plant is getting too much light. If they’re browning at the tips, the plant may be getting too much water or fertilizer.
Peace lilies are mildly toxic to animals and humans, so keep away from small children and pets, and wash your hands after handling your plant as it produces crystals that can irritate skin.