Plant A Leaf

Areca Palm Plant

Growing Areca Palm Plant

If you’re looking to add a tropical vibe to your home, nothing beats a palm plant. Though palm trees have limited outdoor ranges, once you look for them, you’ll start noticing areca palms in interiors everywhere, from offices to shopping malls. Areca palms are widely available and easy to grow, and their lush foliage even helps remove some toxins from the air. It’s no wonder they’re popular! If you’re ready to grow your own, here are the basics.

Areca palm indoor live plants, otherwise known as butterfly palm, golden cane palm, bamboo palm, or its Latin name, Dypsislutescens, is a native of Madagascar.Study says that areca palms are non-toxic to both dogs and cats.

Areca Palm Care | Indoor Live Plants

areca palm plant Care

When grown outdoors, it is important to choose a planting site that has good drainage. Soggy soil can easily cause root rot on a palm.2 When grown indoors as a house plant, a well-draining container is essential. 

In terms of regular care, plan to water your areca palm whenever the soil starts to dry out. To keep outdoor palms healthy, its especially important to keep them hydrated during hot and dry weather conditions.

Indoor palms often don’t receive enough light unless they are placed near a very bright window. So, it can benefit your palm to bring it outdoors in warm weather to be exposed to diffused sunlight.

Feed indoor and outdoor palms throughout the growing season. These palms don’t need much in the way of pruning or trimming. Wait to remove any dying fronds until they are mostly brown, as they still can play a role in photosynthesis.

Untold Benefits of the Areca Palm

In addition to its alluring beautiful indoor plant, the Areca Palm offers humankind many off-the-chart benefits.

Therefore, let us jump straight into the benefits of Areca Palm without further ado, shall we?

1.      Areca Palm Purifies Air

2.      More Oxygen Supply to the Surrounding

3.      Areca Palm is a Low Maintenance Plant

4.      Mental Well-Being and Reduces Stress

5.      Adds Aesthetic Appeal

6.      Provides Medicinal Benefits

7.      Improves Air Humidity

8.      Promotes Feng Shui Significance

Areca palm self watering pot


Is areca palm easy to care for?

Areca palm is a relatively low-maintenance houseplant. The palm is also easy to care for outdoors once it is situated in the right light, full to partial sun.

How fast does areca palm grow?

Areca palm has a slow to moderate growth rate indoors and outdoors. It can grow to a mature height of ten feet indoors and up to 35 feet outdoors.

Can areca palm grow indoors?

Areca palm is commonly grown indoors in cool climates, but it needs a consistently warm environment with high humidity and just the right lighting.